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Cold Plunges and Hormonal Surges: The Testosterone-Boosting Effects of Cold Therapy

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Last Updated on July 7, 2024 by Max


Have you ever felt the refreshing shock of diving into icy water? Beyond the initial adrenaline rush, a world of science suggests that this chilly plunge has the potential to do wonders for your hormonal health. Welcome to the kingdom of cold therapy, where the age-old practice of immersing oneself in cold water meets cutting-edge research on testosterone production. In this deep dive, we’ll investigate how cold exposure can supercharge your testosterone levels, enhancing reproductive health and overall well-being. Ready to take the plunge? Let’s dive into the icy depths of the topic and uncover the secrets that lie beneath. How’s that for a start?

The Science Behind Cold Exposure and Testosterone

The human body is a marvel of adaptation; its response to cold is no exception. When confronted with freezing temperatures, complex physiological processes are set to keep us warm and regulate our internal hormonal balance. One of the most intriguing outcomes of this response is its effect on testosterone levels.

At the heart of this phenomenon is vasoconstriction, where blood vessels narrow to reduce blood flow to the skin and extremities, conserving core body heat. But beyond this immediate response, the cold initiates a deeper hormonal cascade. Testosterone, a vital hormone affecting muscle mass, mood, bone density, and reproductive functions, comes into focus (Smith, A.A., 2018).

Research has delved into the relationship between cold exposure and testosterone production. A study by Sakamoto et al. in 1991 found that during cold water stimulation, there was a notable decrease in testosterone by 10.0% but an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) by 22.1% (Sakamoto, K., 1991). LH, produced by the pituitary gland, is crucial in signaling the testes to produce testosterone. This suggests that cold exposure stimulates the production of LH, which in turn could boost testosterone levels.

Another angle to consider is the body’s stress response. Cold exposure acts as acute stress, potentially prompting the adrenal glands and testes to increase testosterone production. This aligns with findings from a Men’s Health article in 2019, emphasizing that the body’s survival mode during cold exposure can lead to an uptick in the muscle-building hormone testosterone (Johnson, P.R., 2019). For more insights on your personal stress levels and effective management strategies, consider taking our comprehensive Stress Level Assessment Quiz, designed to help you identify and mitigate stress factors impacting your health.

However, individual responses to cold can vary widely. While some studies, especially those focusing on young male athletes, report a testosterone surge post-cold exposure, others suggest a more nuanced effect, especially in older populations or women.

In conclusion, the interplay between cold exposure and testosterone is a testament to the body’s incredible adaptability. As we explore the interplay between cold exposure and testosterone, it becomes apparent that our environment, even the chill of an ice bath, can have deep implications for our hormonal health.

Key Research Findings

The relationship between cold exposure and testosterone has been the subject of numerous scientific studies. Among these, one study stands out for its depth and insights: Sakamoto’s research from 1991.

Sakamoto’s 1991 Study: A Deep Dive into Cold Stimulation and Testosterone

In 1991, Sakamoto and his team embarked on a mission to understand the effects of physical exercise and cold stimulation on testosterone serum levels. Their findings provided a glance into the body’s hormonal response to cold.

During the study, participants were subjected to cold water stimulation. The results were telling: testosterone levels decreased by a significant 10.0%. This decline is counterintuitive, especially when considering the popular notion of cold exposure boosting testosterone. However, the study revealed another intriguing aspect: an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) by 22.1%.

Luteinizing hormone, produced by the pituitary gland, plays a pivotal role in signaling the testes to produce testosterone. The surge in LH suggests that while there might be an immediate drop in testosterone during cold exposure, the body compensates by ramping up LH production, leading to increased testosterone synthesis in the long run.

Sakamoto’s study underscores the complexity of the body’s hormonal response to external stimuli. It reminds us that while immediate reactions may be evident, the body’s deeper, compensatory mechanisms are always at play, ensuring balance and homeostasis (Sakamoto, K., 1991).

Earp’s 2019 Study: The Interplay of Cold-Water Immersion and Testosterone Post-Exercise

In sports science and recovery, cold-water immersion has become a popular method for post-exercise recovery. But how does this practice impact our hormonal landscape, particularly testosterone? Earp’s 2019 study delved into this very question.

The research focused on the effects of cold-water immersion following resistance exercise. Resistance exercise, known for elevating testosterone levels, is a crucial backdrop for this study. The primary finding was intriguing and unexpected: cold-water immersion blunted and delayed the anticipated increases in circulating testosterone.

In simpler terms, while resistance exercise typically leads to a surge in testosterone, introducing cold-water immersion into the recovery process may temper this rise. Instead of the immediate spike one might expect post-exercise, the testosterone increase was reduced and postponed.

This discovery challenges the conventional wisdom surrounding cold-water recovery. While the benefits of reduced inflammation and muscle soreness are well-documented, Earp’s study suggests that athletes and fitness enthusiasts might need to weigh these advantages against potential hormonal implications. The blunted testosterone response could affect muscle growth, repair, and overall athletic performance (Earp, J.E., 2019).

Men’s Health 2019 Article: The Cold Path to Testosterone Boost

The world of sports and fitness has seen a surge in the popularity of cold therapies, from ice baths to state-of-the-art cryotherapy chambers. While these practices have often been linked to enhanced recovery, a 2019 article from Men’s Health sheds light on a different yet equally compelling benefit: the potential boost in testosterone levels.

The article references a study conducted by sports scientists at Swansea University. In this research, athletes were subjected to extremely low temperatures following an intense sprint. The results were striking: a notable spike in testosterone was observed in the subjects’ saliva, lasting 24 hours. But what could be the reason behind this surge?

The explanation lies in the body’s primal response to extreme cold. The body kicks into survival mode when faced with potentially life-threatening sub-zero conditions. This response triggers the release of “cold-shock” proteins, which act as a protective mechanism to prevent muscle tissue from wasting away. A side effect of this process is the increased production of testosterone, the hormone crucial for muscle growth.

This discovery suggests that the body’s reaction to cold isn’t just about conserving heat or enhancing recovery. It’s a complex interplay of survival mechanisms that, in turn, can positively impact muscle-building hormones. The article emphasizes that one must refrain from investing in expensive cryotherapy sessions to reap these benefits. Simple practices, such as taking a cold shower or a dip in a plunge pool, can be effective in tricking the body into elevating testosterone levels.

While the cold may be uncomfortable, the potential rewards for hormonal health are meaningful. As the Men’s Health article aptly puts it, using cold exposure as a strategy for muscle growth is not just an excellent idea; it’s backed by science (Men’s Health, 2019).

Archey et al. 2019 Study: Cold Stimulation’s Impact on Women

Much of the vast research on cold exposure and testosterone has been dedicated to male physiology. However, a study by Archey et al. in 2019 ventured into relatively uncharted territory, focusing on the effects of cold stimulation on testosterone levels in women.

The study employed the cold pressor test, a standardized psychological tool to induce a stress response. Participants, in this case, 32 undergraduate women, were required to submerge their non-dominant hand in a bowl of ice water for a maximum of five minutes, though most could only endure about a minute. The primary objective of the research was to explore the relationship between testosterone and pain tolerance, using the cold pressor test to induce pain.

While the researchers initially set out to study pain tolerance, they inadvertently stumbled upon a significant discovery related to cold exposure and testosterone. Their findings revealed that cold stimulation, even without concurrent exercise, increased testosterone levels in women. This outcome was particularly notable given that the study involved only the submersion of one hand rather than whole-body cold exposure.

Furthermore, the data indicated that women who vocalized their pain during the test experienced a more substantial testosterone increase than those who remained silent. However, both groups exhibited a marked rise in testosterone levels.

In a comparative analysis, the study also included male participants. The results showed that women responded to the cold pressor stimulation with a testosterone increase almost double that of their male counterparts.

Implications and Future Directions

The Archey et al. study underscores the potential of cold stimulation as a natural means to boost testosterone production in women. While the research focused on young women and involved only partial cold exposure, it paved the way for more extensive studies involving whole-body cold water immersion, especially for older women.

Given that testosterone plays a pivotal role in various aspects of women’s health, from muscle development to libido, the findings of this study are of paramount importance. It challenges the conventional narrative and opens up new avenues for non-pharmaceutical testosterone therapies, especially for menopausal women who often experience a drop in testosterone levels.

Personal Experiences and Anecdotal Evidence

The scientific world offers many studies and data, but personal experiences often provide a unique and relatable outlook. Thomas P. Seager, PhD, shares his journey with cold plunging and its effects on his testosterone levels.

One of the most transformative experiences Seager recounts is the significant increase in his testosterone levels after incorporating ice baths, followed by rewarming exercises into his routine. Before embarking on this cold therapy journey, his testosterone was in the mid-700’s. However, it soared to nearly 1200 ng/dL after integrating ice baths. Remarkably, even after two years, his testosterone levels have remained consistently over 1000 ng/dL. Considering Seager is in his mid-50s, these figures are notably high.

Seager’s experience isn’t an isolated case. Morozko Forge co-founder Jason Stauffer also witnessed a substantial boost in his testosterone levels, going from the 500s to almost 1000 ng/dL after adopting cold therapy. Additionally, Seager mentions receiving feedback from other men who reported similar testosterone gains. In his mid-40s, one reader shared that combining a low-carb diet with regular ice baths and red light therapy elevated his testosterone from 156 ng/dL to an impressive 1400 ng/dL.

While the numbers are compelling, Seager’s journey with cold therapy goes beyond just testosterone levels. He has delved deeper into cold therapy, exploring its potential benefits for managing cancer risks and inhibiting tumor growth. His personal experiences and the scientific research he cites make a compelling case for the multifaceted benefits of cold therapy.

Seager’s experiences, combined with the anecdotal evidence from others, emphasize the potential of cold therapy in optimizing testosterone levels and overall well-being. He encourages others, especially women, to explore the benefits of cold therapy and share their experiences. By doing so, a broader understanding of the effects and benefits of cold exposure can be developed, benefiting many more.

Practical Tips for Those Interested in Cold Therapy

Embarking on the journey of cold therapy can be both exhilarating and daunting. While the potential benefits are enticing, it’s essential to approach this practice with knowledge and caution. Here are some practical tips for those keen on exploring the world of cold plunges and ice baths:

Start Slow and Gradual. Diving headfirst into an ice bath may sound adventurous, but there are better approaches for beginners. Start with shorter durations, perhaps just a few seconds, and gradually increase your exposure time as your body acclimates. This gradual approach reduces the risk of shock and allows your body to adapt safely.

Listen to Your Body. While the goal is to expose yourself to cold temperatures, listening to your body’s signals is crucial. If you feel extreme discomfort or signs of hypothermia, such as intense shivering, numbness, or dizziness, it’s time to get out and warm up.

Monitor Your Testosterone Levels. If boosting testosterone is one of your primary goals with cold therapy, consider getting regular blood tests to monitor your levels. This will give you tangible data on the effects of your cold exposure routine and help you make informed adjustments.

Consistency is Key. While occasional cold plunges can be refreshing, consistent exposure is likely to yield more significant benefits. Aim for regular sessions, whether it’s daily, bi-weekly, or weekly, depending on your comfort and goals.

Optimal Duration and Frequency. Short-term, more frequent cold exposures may be more effective for testosterone optimization than prolonged sessions. Extended exposure to icy water can be dangerous, and most individuals, even those accustomed to cold therapy, typically limit their ice water plunges to shorter durations. 

Submerging the body in ice-cold water, typically in a tub or natural body of water.

  • Starting: The Acclimation Phase
    • Frequency: 2-3 times a week.
    • Duration: 15 to 30 seconds per session.
  • Intermediate Phase: Building Tolerance
    • Frequency: 3-4 times a week.
    • Duration: 1-2 minutes per session.
  • Advanced Phase: Optimizing Benefits
    • Frequency: Daily, if comfortable.
    • Duration: 2-3 minutes per session. 
  • Maintenance Phase: Sustaining the Benefits
    • Frequency: 3-5 times a week.
    • Duration: 2-3 minutes per session.

Rewarming is Essential. After a cold plunge or ice bath, it’s essential to rewarm your body gradually. Avoid jumping into a hot shower immediately. Instead, consider doing some light exercises or wrapping yourself in warm blankets to allow your body temperature to rise naturally.

Consult a Healthcare Professional. Before starting any cold therapy regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions, it’s wise to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.

Don’t keep your thoughts to yourself—join the conversation! Share your experiences, questions, and insights in the comments below. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by prostate issues. Let’s empower each other and create a supportive community! Comment now!


The intricate dance between cold exposure and testosterone levels is a testament to the body’s remarkable adaptability and resilience. As research continues to unfold, we’re gaining a deeper understanding of how cold therapy, whether through ice water plunges or cryotherapy, can influence our hormonal health and overall well-being.

While the scientific community has made significant strides, the journey is far from over. Most studies have been centered on young male athletes, leaving a vast expanse of uncharted territory. Older men, women, and diverse age groups remain areas ripe for exploration. The anecdotal experiences of individuals like Thomas P Seager, Ph.D., and many others provide compelling narratives that complement scientific findings, emphasizing the potential benefits and the need for a more inclusive research approach.

For those intrigued by the promise of cold therapy, it’s essential to approach it with both enthusiasm and caution. Starting slow, listening to one’s body, and seeking guidance when necessary are paramount. The world of cold therapy is vast, and while it offers many benefits, it’s crucial to remember that each individual’s journey will be unique. As we delve deeper into this fascinating realm, one thing is clear: the fusion of ancient practices and modern science promises to unlock new horizons for human health and potential.


  • Sakamoto, S., et al. (1991). Effects of physical exercise and cold stimulation on serum testosterone level in men. Endocrinologia Japonica.
  • Earp, J.E., et al. (2019). Cold-water immersion blunts and delays increases in circulating testosterone and cytokines post-resistance exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology.
  • Archey, W.B., et al. (2019). Cold stimulation increases testosterone in women, even without exercise. Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism.
  • Seager, T.P. (2021). Cold water therapy to boost testosterone. Morozko Forge. Retrieved from
  • Healthline. (2007). The effects of cold showers on testosterone. Healthline Media.
  • Men’s Health. (2019). Boosting testosterone with cold therapy. Men’s Health Magazine.

6 thoughts on “Cold Plunges and Hormonal Surges: The Testosterone-Boosting Effects of Cold Therapy”

  1. This was a really interesting article and funnily enough I saw a program just a week ago about the benefits of plunging into icey water for both men and women. This may greatly benefit couples who are trying to conceive along with the other health benefits you mentioned. However this practice is not for the weak at heart. I for one battle to get into a swimming pool unless the weather is really hot. I think it must take an enormous amount of discipline to submerge oneself in ice cold water.   I don’t think getting in slowly is the answer to making the process any easier either?

    1. Hi Michel
      Thanks a lot for your comment! I’m glad you found the article cool. It’s pretty wild how something as simple as a cold plunge can do so much good for our bodies. I get that jumping into icy water isn’t everyone’s thing—it sure does take some guts! But the benefits, like helping couples trying to have a baby, make it worth considering.
      You’re right, it takes a lot of willpower to get into that cold water. And yeah, easing into it might not make it any less chilly for some folks!
      Appreciate your thoughts and your time in reading the article. Whether you decide to try it or not, I hope you keep finding the stuff here interesting. Thanks again.
      Warm regards


  2. I am aware that cold baths are tied to vast health benefits, but a boost in testosterone was never something I thought it could be related to. However, it does make a lot of sense that the “survival mode” a man’s body goes into when facing extreme coldness may be linked to increasing testosterone production.

    Something that may support this finding is that the likelihood that a man has a wet dream is much higher in the event that they feel cold during their sleep. This does suggest that coldness is linked to testosterone, don’t you think?

    1. Hi Yusuf,
      Thank you for commenting and sharing your thoughts! How our bodies respond to cold is intriguing. Your observation about the possible link between coldness during sleep and wet dreams adds another layer to this discussion. There might be more to explore regarding how our bodies react to cold stimuli and how it affects our hormonal balance.
      I appreciate your openness to analyzing different perspectives on this topic that can lead to a deeper understanding of our bodies and health.
      Best Regards,


  3. I’m conscious of the numerous health benefits associated with cold baths, but I never considered that they could be connected to a testosterone boost. Nonetheless, it does seem quite logical that a man’s body entering a “survival mode” in response to extreme cold might be linked to an increase in testosterone production. I love to take cold showers all year round and have never considered it linked to testosterone. This was, however, a very interesting read with good information. 

  4. Everything is very open with a very clear description of the issues.
    It was truly informative. Your site is very useful. Thank you for sharing!

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