Last Updated on July 7, 2024 by Max
Prostatitis, a condition predominantly affecting men, has been a medical concern since the dawn of human civilization. In the quest to enhance health and wellness, we often overlook the wealth of knowledge found in ancient healing practices. While our modern pharmaceutical landscape offers an array of treatments, the effectiveness of some traditional approaches, especially those rooted in Chinese medicine, warrants serious consideration.
Offering a holistic perspective on health, these methodologies not only focus on the symptoms of the disease but also promote overall well-being, emphasizing the harmony of body, mind, and spirit. Paida and Lajin stand out among these practices due to their simplicity, safety, and impressive efficacy in treating prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome. This article delves into these powerful self-healing methods, highlighting their basis in Chinese medicine, application, and observed results. Let’s explore the potential of these techniques and how they could revolutionize how we address prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain.
Prostatitis: Ancient Healing in the Modern World
Chronic conditions such as prostatitis have existed alongside humanity since the beginning of time. Historically, civilizations like the Chinese and Indians have responded by developing comprehensive body healing systems. These time-honored systems have demonstrated remarkable effectiveness across generations. Yet, in our modern era, where pharmaceutical solutions promise immediate results, holistic healing methods, which advocate a longer-term process, often need to be noticed. Nevertheless, specific Chinese medical practices have proven remarkably successful in treating prostatitis and deserve further attention and exploration due to their incredible simplicity, safety, and broad applicability. Today, let’s delve deeper into how we can combat prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain by utilizing these simple yet powerful practices.
The Central Tenet of Chinese Medicine: Energy Meridians
Traditional Chinese medicine introduces an innate self-healing system in our bodies. This system revolves around energy, or Chi, flowing through invisible channels called meridians. Every organ has its corresponding meridian, ensuring the smooth circulation of blood and organ vitality. Our bodies encompass 14 meridians and a plethora of active or acupuncture points along each. External stressors or internal imbalances can obstruct these meridians, disrupting the associated organ’s blood supply and leading to disease manifestation (Zhang Y., 2020). This video may be insightful in understanding how emotions and attitudes influence the free flow of Chi.
Thus, Chinese medicine recommends unblocking relevant meridians by stimulating active points to cure any disease. Whether it is acupuncture, acupressure, cupping, yoga, herbal medicine, massage, paida (slapping), or lajin (stretching), the ultimate goal is to restore the free flow of Chi (Wang J., 2022).
Paida and Lajin: The Twin Pillars of Chinese Medicine
Pioneered by Master Hongchi Xiao, the techniques of paida and lajin have gained global recognition over the past decade. Essentially, paida slaps specific skin areas to release toxins, while lajin focuses on stretching tendons and ligaments to enhance body flexibility (Xiao H., 2015). These practices have shown remarkable efficacy in managing complex conditions, including lower back and leg pain, prostate and kidney disorders, liver problems, and more.
Remarkably, these methods require minimal expertise compared to acupuncture or acupressure. They primarily address blood circulation and heart functionality while also targeting specific meridians. Supporting these practices with dietary therapies, meditation, and a healthy lifestyle can amplify their healing potential (Xiao H., 2015).
Let’s explore how these methods mitigate prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain symptoms.
Transforming Health with Paida and Lajin
A holistic approach suggests that treating prostatitis involves unblocking the Urinary Bladder Meridian, associated with pelvic health, and the Heart Meridian. The process helps free the Heart Meridian, ensuring a smooth blood flow (Xiao H., 2015). According to Master Xiao, the primary areas for paida are the hands, elbows, knees, and feet, where the meridians of crucial organs intersect.
Urinary Bladder Meridian
The Urinary Bladder Meridian addresses conditions related to men’s urinary and reproductive systems: prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation. It extends from the head to the toe and interacts with the meridians of the Spleen, Liver, and Kidney. To detoxify and unblock the Urinary Bladder Meridian, it’s recommended to paida the abdomen, the base of the thighs, and the inner sides of the legs (Zhang Y., 2020).
Master Xiao’s Paida and Lajin practices, embraced by thousands of men and women globally, have shown promising results in treating prostatitis, particularly in older men. These techniques are simple yet extraordinarily efficient, with the positive effect often evident almost immediately and an efficacy rate of approximately 90%.
The Art of Paida
There is no specific time length or frequency for practicing Paida daily. The goal is to pat relevant areas until Sha, or “toxic” blood, emerges. This usually takes between 2 to 10 minutes and varies depending on the individual and the severity of the blockage. Sha often disappears in the following 2-3 days, but with continued paida, it may dissipate within 20-30 minutes. For severe prostatitis symptoms, the duration of Paida should extend to at least one hour a day, continued until the emergence of Sha ceases (Xiao H., 2015).
Achieving More with Paida and Lajin Combined
Pairing Paida with Lajin brings about better effects. Chinese medicine identifies contraction and degeneration of tendons and ligaments as the primary causes of aging and most disorders. Therefore, stretching, which forms the basis of Lajin practice, is crucial. “No pain, no gain” aptly describes this practice – the stretching should be as intense as bearable to address meridian blockages effectively.
Experiencing pain and numbness in the pelvic area, thighs, and behind the knees indicates active cleansing of energy channels, promoting Chi and blood flow (Xiao H., 2015). The reclining position is considered the most beneficial for Lajin. When executed correctly, one leg should be affixed to a board, with the other foot touching the ground.

Lajin proves incredibly useful in alleviating prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain symptoms, sexual disorders, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Practice it for 10-40 minutes for each leg in a reclining position. Although the starting term may vary individually, the key is persistence: the longer the practice, the better the result.
Be aware of the simplicity of Paida and Lajin practices. To truly overcome prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain symptoms, you must fully invest yourself – mentally, physically, and socially – into the healing process. As such, workshops lasting for a week often yield better results than individual practices spanning months. The workshop schedule includes 4-5 hours of Paida and Lajin daily and includes meditative jogging, fasting, meditation, and a vegetarian diet (Xiao H., 2015).
Believing in Paida and Lajin
here are numerous testimonials from grateful patients worldwide about the efficacy of Paida and Lajin practices. An example is an interview conducted by Hongchi Xiao in 2013, where out of 285 workshop participants, 243 continued practicing Paida and Lajin post-seminar, and 226 wholly stopped medication. Of those, 134 reported excellent health, 76 experienced improved health compared to the pre-workshop, while only 16 maintained the same health level as when they were on medication. Further interviews conducted in 2015 and 2016 corroborated these findings, showing up to 100% relief from prostatitis symptoms.
Moreover, leading clinics treating prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome in the USA and Europe have integrated similar holistic approaches into their programs. For example, “The Chronic Pelvic Pain Clinic, London UK” combines mindfulness, meditation, stretching, yoga, social activities, self-massage, supplementation, lifestyle, and dietary changes in their BioPsychoSocial program.
By helping your body heal itself through practices such as Paida and Lajin, you can actively manage and alleviate prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain symptoms. These practices, derived from traditional Chinese medicine, emphasize unblocking energy meridians and enhancing the circulation of Chi and blood. Their simplicity and efficacy make them attractive treatment options that anyone can use anytime and from any place. While these self-healing techniques don’t offer an overnight cure, they provide a sustainable and holistic approach to managing prostatitis.
Beyond Paida and Lajin, integrating lifestyle changes can also boost the efficacy of these practices. Following a balanced diet, managing stress through mindfulness or meditation, ensuring adequate sleep, and engaging in regular physical exercise are all ways to support your healing journey. Remember that a harmonious connection between the mind, body, and spirit forms the essence of overall wellness.
As we navigate the modern world, we can use ancient wisdom to manage chronic conditions effectively. The use of Paida and Lajin demonstrates how traditional Chinese practices have stood the test of time and can play a vital role in modern healthcare. These practices contribute to prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain management and towards a more holistic, patient-centered healthcare system that empowers individuals to take an active role in their health.
However, always consult a healthcare professional before embarking on any new health practice or changing an existing treatment plan. Your healthcare provider can provide guidance and ensure that the exercises you choose are safe and appropriate for your specific health condition and needs. With their support, you can make informed decisions about incorporating Paida, Lajin, and other holistic practices into your life. Ultimately, your journey to health and wellness is a personal one that should be tailored to your unique circumstances, needs, and goals.
This is totally fascinating because I have learned several oriental technics the most recent is Meridian health by Slapping and stretching, four-point method because there are 4 areas in the Qi Flexercise that work on the meridian health. There are areas that I have understood as unbalance or blockage and by energizing the meridians you help the body return your balance and unblock the meridians to heal the body.
in modern Medicine, we might call it Inflammation which to me resonates as a blockage. I am a total believer that the human condition has the capacity to heal itself. Ask and you shall receive, you only have to take that leap of faith and you will have your answers. Very simple just a short yes or no and we all have that capacity of understanding.
Thank you Makhsud once again I have found answers that I have been searching for
Awesome, Linda. You’ve hit the mark, connecting blockages of energy flow with inflammation. We just need to accept that these terms mean the same condition, to perceive a pretty complex meridian system.
In a broad sense, it is not only about four-point treatment; Master Hongchi Xiao teaches that any blockage in human’s body starts from the hart, and we need to clean the heart meridian first and these four points are the main areas where the heart meridian blocks.
Unfortunately, Western medicine, based on chemical intervention, often makes more blockages in our body. and only with time, after 50-60 when it is too late we realize it.
I’m so pleased that you found your answers, that’s the best reward for my work.
Thank you
I have been in contact with varies oriental practices The first being Acupuncture because my brother is a practitioner. then finger presser which I became very good at.
When I moved back to Canada I found EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) with the use of taping on the same meridians as Acupuncture, to find and eliminate emotional traumas.
Then found the muscle testing which I base most of my work on that lead me to find inflammation as the common denominator.
I didn’t connect Meridian Health thought to slap and stretching. Until I read your article and it was like lighting flashing, it was that was so strong I couldn’t write very much. But what I did write I knew you would understand. The simple yes and no was the muscle testing. It has become so much a part of me I will get the answer before testing it. and I just vibrated with the yesssss.
People will say things like “I just went with my gut feeling” not realizing that this is actually something that is very much a part of us.
You said the complex Meridian system, I don’t find it complex at all, because if you think about it. it is divided up into 4 parts each part becomes a oneness throughout our Electrical System something much like a light that is in and around us. One simple word Electrolytes which connect us to all plant life, earth, water, and air.
I will leave it for know
as always Linda
Thank you, Linda, for the comment. I’m really happy, that you found some answers or the info on my site inspired you to do some research. I believe everything that happens to us has its purpose.
I am practicing Paida and Lajin on myself and trying to spread it on my friends and relatives, unfortunately, they are mostly immune and skeptic about these things. I have an idea of promoting these methods, but for now, just only on my site.
Unfortunately, the Meridian system is still rather complicated for me.
Wishing you the best health
I have always been a fan of Chinese culture and the methods they use for healing. It is great to have sources from both eastern and western methods of healing the body. Thank you for the excellent article.
Thank you, Clifford. Unlike western medicine, based on drugs, these ancient techniques at least cripple nobody.
Wishing you the best health
I am very grateful to learn of Paida Lajin. I am especially vibrant in energy having encountered your videos. I just finished a book called Reality Transurfing by a Quantum Scientist and he speaks of meridians in the body. I was familiar with the chakras, but not so much the meridians so to come upon your content proves of great value to me. I love knowledge as I believe it empowers and I had no awareness of Paida Lajin. I will be researching it further and giving it a go!
After doing some research I encountered a meditation to clear the meridians and in doing so I was visualizing the lines of the meridians in which they travelled. I was so excited to see the youtube video that delineates the urinary meridian along with the other ones. Very synchronistic to my experience!
I have been a huge advocate for holistic and self healing after reading the works of Joe Dispenza. I healed a herniated disc and am out of the woods to optimal mental health recovery from CPTSD. This is why I am so emphatic about our ability as humans to be able to heal from within by living in balance to our natural and intrinsic needs.
This is really enriching content as it supports the natural and simple manners in which we can optimize our health and it need not be done to pad the pocket books of the pharmaceutical industry. A good portion of our health issues are due to living out of balance or ignorance of what is really going on in terms of our health.
Energy and electromagnetic frequencies that exist in our experience are of great interest to me. The methods and approaches that are promoted here are tremendously empowering and I thank you for the invested value you have provided here for me!
Many thanks and keep up the great work!
I thank YOU for honoring me with your time by reading my post – thank you! I’m so pleased that you were inspired to do additional research on Paida Lajin techniques. Some people find these methods quite aggressive; yes, they are aggressive, often, painful, but highly practical. We usually gain our diseases during tens of years by accumulating inflammation in various parts of our body, and you just cannot get rid of them by waving a magic wand.
Self-healing and a holistic approach are the principal hallmarks intrinsic not only to Chinese but to any other ancient medicine as well. The self-healing mechanism implemented as a meridian system has evolved during more than 2000 years and is deemed a real treasure of Chinese medicine.
Thank you so much and have a great day
Hi Max,
You might be interested in the Oxygen Protocol I came across this many years ago but it was put aside. After reading your post on PaidaLajin techniques and putting into action I was sent the Oxygen protocol to me from a friend. She had no way of knowing that I already have known about this protocol.
My brother is an acupuncturist and he gave me this protocol over 18 years ago or maybe more. But anyhow then I received it in an ebook form and read it that very moment I literally bombed through it because everything that I have been writing about was there.
With this and PaidaLajin I hope to achieve malty healing and maybe not as aggressive will keep you informed
Thank you, Linda, for the protocol. On first sight, it sounds very promising, but I usually pretty immune to the like claims. I’ll check some other literature and if I find it may be helpful to my auditory, I’ll give it a go.
I’m very interested in your healing progress. Paida Lajin techniques are really very painful, so, please be patient and build up exercise gradually.
Please, keep me informed about your progress.
Wishing you the best health
Hi, Max, You asked me to keep you posted in my progress with paida lejin. The most incredible thing is that I am walking without pain. Climbing stairs without pain doing my everyday choirs without pain. I feel like I could go back to work again. At first, it was the most painful experience I ever went through with Lajin then every day it became better and better.
The first day I couldn’t go for more than a 1/2 minute little by little and now I am doing 3 minute on each leg. I hope to reach the max by 15 minutes on each leg. Paida on each arm has been a biggy because with Lejin I have reduced inflammation in both feet. I also do breathing exercises at night before sleeping and sleep like a baby.
I don’t wake up at night with cramps in my feet and or lower legs nor do I need to pee. before I was waking up at least twice a night now sleep straight through the night at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep I wake up refreshed and ready for the day. No more pain in my lower back hips thighs or caves. My feet are warm again the circulation has returned
My high blood pressure has reduced I was just about 180 over 75 know I am at 135 over 45 the lowest it has been in 15 years. I also had neuropathy in my two feet now it is in just one foot the right foot. Ya, I was a basket case. I am also doing the Peroxide do you know why? Well, it is building oxygen in my blood and I have more clarity. That is why I am getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep.
Why am I healing so quickly? Because I have never taken pharmaceuticals only when there was a great need for antibiotics. Now you know why I am so passionate about what I have been writing about. I knew the answer was there I only had to find it. These are the things I need to write about this is what people want to hear. It’s much easier then we think yes the body is very complex but the body will take care of us if we pay attention to it.
I don’t know why I have had so many tribulations in my life just maybe that is what is driving me. I am 68 years young(O: not old My head doesn’t say old because I don’t think old. Everybody says all these pains are from aging but I have never been able to think that way. The pieces of the puzzle are coming together and I feel blessed.
much regards
Thank you so much, Linda, for such an extended comment. It is a pleasure to hear that your Paida and Lajin practices let you get rid of pain, sleep and feel better. Different kinds of pain in knees, lower back, pelvic area are the areas where Paida and Lajin work the best. Unfortunately, people, often are inclined to use medications and skeptic as to the claims that your body already has everything it needs for a healthy life or healing. Hope your detailed description of the healing effects of Paida Lajin along with meditation and hydrogen peroxide practices will help to many.
Wishing you the best health