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Starving Cancer with Fats? The Science Behind Keto’s Role in Tumor Control

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Last Updated on July 7, 2024 by Max


Imagine a world where fats – often villainized in popular culture – become the unsung heroes in the battle against cancer. The paradox may sound scary, but the relationship between dietary fats and cancer control is more intricate than we once thought. Enter the ketogenic diet: a high-fat, low-carb nutritional approach that’s been creating ripples not just in the realm of weight loss but potentially as a game-changer in the world of oncology. This isn’t just another diet trend. We’re on the cusp of uncovering how certain nutritional principles can alter the landscape tumors thrive on. Curious? Let’s crack this together and examine the science driving these discussions.

The Ketogenic Diet Demystified

When you hear “ketogenic diet,” what comes to mind? For some, it’s the thought of sizzling bacon or creamy avocado salads. But beyond these delicious treats, a profound science defines the core of this diet.

The ketogenic diet primarily consists of fats, proteins, and a minimal amount of carbohydrates. Typically, the ratio stands at 70-75% fats, 20-25% proteins, and 5-10% carbs. Such a distribution contrasts starkly with what most of us have grown accustomed to, where carbohydrates often dominate our plates.

By drastically reducing carbohydrate intake, the body enters a ketosis metabolic state. In this state, instead of relying on the quick and easily accessible energy from glucose (derived from carbs), the body starts burning fats for fuel. This produces molecules known as ketones – highly efficient energy sources that our brain and muscles love.

Beyond Weight Loss

While the ketogenic diet has gained tremendous popularity as a weight-loss tool, its benefits extend far beyond shedding those extra pounds. The diet’s advantages make waves in various health arenas, from enhancing cognitive function to stabilizing blood sugar levels. (Paoli, A., et al. 2013).

Cognitive Boost: Many keto enthusiasts report heightened clarity, improved memory, and enhanced cognitive functions. The brain thrives on ketones, making this diet a potential ally in preventing neurodegenerative diseases and fostering sharper mental acumen. Krikorian, R., et al.. 2012).

Stabilized Blood Sugar Levels: The reduced carb intake means fewer blood sugar spikes, which is particularly beneficial for those battling insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. By regulating glucose levels, keto potentially paves the way for improved insulin sensitivity and metabolic health. (Westman, E.C., et al. 2008).

Enhanced Energy: Say goodbye to that mid-afternoon slump! With a consistent supply of ketones, energy levels remain more stable throughout the day, offering sustained vigor without the crash commonly associated with sugar-heavy diets. (Urbain, P., et al. 2017).

Supports Heart Health: Preliminary research suggests that a ketogenic diet may help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL), fostering a healthier cardiovascular profile. (Kosinski, C., et al. 2017).

Cancer Control: The crown jewel of our discussion – the diet’s potential anti-cancer properties. By starving tumors of their beloved glucose and fostering a metabolic environment less conducive to cancer growth, keto may emerge as a formidable player in oncological nutrition. (Klement, R.J., et al. 2014).

Transitioning the body’s primary energy source isn’t just about jumping on a diet trend. It’s about understanding the profound metabolic shifts that can influence various health outcomes. As we proceed, you’ll discover that the relationship between keto and cancer is not just coincidental but deeply rooted in biochemistry.

Cancer’s Craving for Glucose

At its core, cancer is an unruly cell gone rogue, multiplying uncontrollably. But like any living entity, cancer cells need fuel to grow and thrive. And here’s the twist: these cells have an insatiable sweet tooth.

Glucose: Cancer’s Favorite Snack: While our body’s cells can use various nutrients for energy, cancer cells prefer glucose more pronouncedly. This phenomenon, known as the Warburg effect, elucidates that most malignant cells rely heavily on glucose metabolism, even when oxygen is abundant. In simpler terms, it gives cancer an abundance of glucose, and it gleefully feasts to support its rapid proliferation. (Warburg, O. (1956)).

The Glucose-Tumor Connection: As these rogue cells consume glucose acceleratedly, they release lactic acid as a byproduct. This disrupts the cellular environment and weakens the immune system’s ability to combat these cells. This creates a vicious cycle: high glucose levels fuel the cancer, and the growing tumor, in turn, creates a more hospitable environment for its growth.

A New Perspective on Diet: Recognizing this glucose dependency offers a tempting idea: What if we could manipulate the primary energy source in our diets? Could we, in a sense, ‘starve’ the cancer cells while nourishing the rest of our body?

The age-old adage, “You are what you eat,” takes on a whole new dimension when viewed through the lens of oncology. It becomes less about calories and more about cellular behavior, signaling, and metabolic pathways. As we venture further, you’ll witness how dietary interventions, particularly the ketogenic diet, may be tilting the scales against cancer’s greedy appetite.

Energy Metabolism: A Glimpse into Cellular Respiration

Diving into cellular respiration is essential to grasp the dynamics between ketosis and cancer growth. This process determines how our cells extract energy, primarily from glucose.

Glycolysis: Cells, under regular conditions, prioritize glucose for energy. In the first step of glucose metabolism, glycolysis breaks down one glucose molecule into two pyruvate molecules. This anaerobic process in the cell’s cytoplasm produces a net gain of 2 ATP molecules per glucose molecule.

Oxidative Phosphorylation: Following glycolysis, the pyruvate molecules enter the cell’s mitochondria. In this phase, the citric acid cycle (or Krebs cycle) processes them. This cycle, alongside the Electron Transport Chain, produces the majority of ATP from glucose metabolism. In total, oxidative phosphorylation produces about 28 to 34 ATP molecules per glucose molecule, making the complete breakdown of glucose through glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation yield approximately 30 to 36 ATP molecules.

Energy Metabolism in Ketosis: When the body undergoes carbohydrate restriction, as seen in the ketogenic diet, the scarcity of glucose drives the body to search for alternate energy substrates. The liver then starts producing ketone bodies from fatty acids. This shift from glucose to fats and ketones ensures that our brain, a voracious energy consumer, continues functioning effectively.

Cells take up these ketones, especially Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), and convert them into acetyl-CoA, which then enters the citric acid cycle to generate ATP. While the ATP yield from ketone metabolism is slightly lower than glucose, it offers a more consistent energy source due to the ample storage of fats available in the body.

Considering the therapeutic angle, many cancer cells, due to their damaged mitochondria, rely heavily on glycolysis for energy (known as the Warburg effect). We’re theoretically restricting their energy supply by limiting glucose and increasing ketone availability, which cancer cells might find challenging to utilize efficiently. This is the foundation of the potential benefits of ketosis in cancer control. (Poff, A.M., et al. 2013).

What Are Ketone Bodies?

The liver produces water-soluble ketone bodies from fatty acids during periods of fasting, carbohydrate-restrictive diets, starvation, prolonged intense exercise, or in untreated (or inadequately treated) type 1 diabetes mellitus. Tissues use them as an energy source by producing ATP, the primary unit of energy within cells.

There are three types of ketone bodies:

  1. Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB): Although its structure technically doesn’t classify BHB as a ketone, it remains the most abundant and often stands as the primary ketone referenced in ketogenic diet discussions. It is an energy source in the brain when blood glucose is low.
  2. Acetoacetate (AcAc): This is the first ketone body produced in the process of ketogenesis. Some of it is used for energy by tissues like the muscles, while some can be converted into BHB or acetone.
  3. Acetone: The least abundant of the three ketone bodies, acetone is primarily formed through the spontaneous breakdown of acetoacetate. It’s less likely to be used as fuel by the body; instead, it’s mainly expelled in the breath and urine, which gives rise to the characteristic “ketosis breath” often noticed in people in deep ketosis.

Ketone bodies come into play when glucose levels are low, like during fasting or on a ketogenic diet. When glucose is scarce, stored fats are broken down into fatty acids and transported to the liver, where they are converted into ketone bodies. These ketone bodies can then be used as an energy source, especially by the brain, a high-energy organ requiring a constant fuel supply.

When the body doesn’t have enough glucose to provide the energy it needs, it turns to stored fats, producing ketone bodies. This alternative metabolic pathway underpins the mechanism of the ketogenic diet, which restricts carbohydrates to force the body into a state of ketosis, primarily burning fats for energy.

The Science: Keto’s Influence on Tumor Growth

We’ve established the intriguing connection between glucose and cancer growth. But how exactly does a diet high in fats and low in carbs fit into this puzzle? The answer lies in the heart of our cellular machinery.

Starvation Strategy: The principle is straightforward. If cancer cells thrive on glucose, a diet that shortens its availability may, in theory, restrict their growth. By embracing the ketogenic diet, carbohydrate intake is cut, significantly reducing blood glucose levels. As a result, the primary energy buffet cancer cells gorge on is suddenly sparse.

Empirical Evidence: A study conducted in 2018 by Weber, D.D., Aminzadeh-Gohari, S., Kofler, B., and their team illuminated this very concept. Their research indicated that a ketogenic diet and other therapeutic interventions exhibited potential tumor-growth inhibitory effects. Specifically, the diet seemed to cause metabolic oxidative stress in cancer cells, making it harder for them to thrive and multiply.

One of the most captivating outcomes was the potential synergistic effect of the ketogenic diet when combined with other treatments. The diet enhanced the efficacy of certain therapeutic interventions, suggesting that keto could be an adjunct, amplifying the effects of conventional therapies.

While cancer cells struggle to utilize ketones efficiently, our healthy cells have no such qualms. Thus, a ketogenic diet presents a two-fold advantage: restricting the fuel (glucose) for cancer cells while providing an alternative and efficient energy source (ketones) for the rest of our body.

By driving the body into ketosis, we inadvertently create a less hospitable terrain for cancer cells. Lower glucose levels and raised ketone bodies disrupt the cozy environment these malignant cells are accustomed to.

It’s not just about eating fats and ditching carbs. It’s a strategic maneuver designed to exploit the very vulnerabilities of cancer cells. As science delves deeper, we’re crawling closer to understanding the nuances of this dietary approach in cancer management, painting a promising (and delicious) path forward in oncology.

The Ketone Advantage

When the body is deprived of its primary energy source, glucose, it doesn’t just wave a white flag and give up. Instead, it adapts, seeking alternative energy sources, and this is where ketones come into the spotlight. Produced in the liver from the breakdown of fats, ketones emerge as a reliable backup generator, supplying energy when carbohydrates are limited.

But while our healthy cells transition to this new energy source relatively easily, cancer cells are in uncharted territory. Their metabolic machinery needs to be better suited for ketone metabolism. In essence, ketones present a double-edged sword. On one side, they serve as life-saving fuel for normal cells, ensuring they function optimally without glucose. On the other side, these very ketones act as a metabolic wrench thrown into the gears of cancer cell machinery.

Moreover, the increased concentration of ketones in the blood has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. As many studies have pointed out, inflammation plays a significant role in cancer progression. Thus, reducing systemic inflammation can create a less favorable environment for cancer cells to thrive.

But the brilliance of the ketogenic diet isn’t just in its ability to produce ketones. It also modulates the levels of specific proteins and enzymes involved in cancer cell growth and apoptosis. This, combined with the metabolic oxidative stress the diet induces in cancer cells, sets the stage for a multifaceted attack against the malignancy.

 Fats vs. Cancer: How Keto May Starve Tumors

Popular culture often demonizes the former in the longstanding duel between fats and sugars. But when it comes to cancer, this narrative takes a dramatic twist. As we peel back the layers of metabolic processes, a picture emerges that might tip the scales in favor of fats, especially in the context of tumor control.

Cancer cells are notorious for their insatiable appetite for glucose. It’s their preferred energy source, and they consume it at a rate much higher than normal cells, a phenomenon known as the Warburg effect. This accelerated glucose metabolism fuels their rapid growth and division, allowing tumors to expand and metastasize.

But what if we cut off this supply?

By significantly reducing carbohydrate intake, the ketogenic diet does just that. The body seeks alternative energy sources with carbs and glucose in short supply. Enter fats. The liver begins to break down fats into ketones, molecules that most of the body’s cells can use as a substitute for glucose. But here’s the catch: Cancer cells are far less adept at utilizing ketones. Their metabolic inflexibility is, ironically, their downfall in a ketone-rich environment.

However, this shift from glucose to ketones is like switching from gasoline to a premium fuel alternative for normal cells. Not only can they function on ketones, but they often thrive, becoming more efficient and resilient. Fats, thus, don’t just serve as a mere backup energy reserve; they’re elevated to frontline fuel, powering our cells in the face of a glucose shortage.

As the body becomes fat-adapted, a profound metabolic reconfiguration occurs. It’s akin to reprogramming a software system to run on a different kind of code. This shift not only has the potential to stall the growth of tumors but also fortifies the body’s cells, reinforcing their defense mechanisms against the adverse effects of cancer and its treatments.

In the grand scheme, the ketogenic diet’s strategy is a masterclass in metabolic manipulation. By championing fats and reducing glucose, it lays down a challenge to cancer cells, one they’re ill-equipped to meet, providing a promising avenue in the relentless pursuit of effective cancer control strategies.

Potential Limitations and Considerations

While the narrative surrounding the ketogenic diet and its potential role in cancer control is undoubtedly captivating, it’s vital to navigate this terrain with both curiosity and caution. Every therapeutic intervention, even those related to diet, comes with its set of considerations.

First and foremost, the ketogenic diet is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Our bodies, much like our personalities, are unique. What works wonders for one individual may yield different results for another.

Additionally, transitioning to a high-fat, low-carb diet can initially trigger side effects. Commonly termed the “keto flu,” individuals may experience fatigue, headaches, dizziness, or digestive discomfort. While these symptoms are often temporary, they can be concerning, especially for individuals already grappling with the side effects of cancer treatments.

Moreover, certain cancer types may not respond as favorably to glucose deprivation as others. Specific tumors may adapt to alternative energy sources or have inherent metabolic pathways that aren’t significantly hampered by the absence of glucose.

There’s also the consideration of potential nutrient deficiencies. A strict ketogenic diet may limit the intake of certain fruits, vegetables, and grains rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Ensuring a well-balanced nutrient intake becomes paramount, especially for individuals whose bodies are already under stress from fighting cancer.

Given these considerations, it’s of utmost importance to seek professional guidance. Consulting with healthcare professionals is essential before making any dietary changes, especially ones as significant as adopting the ketogenic diet. They can provide personalized advice, monitor the body’s response, and make necessary adjustments to ensure safety and efficacy.

In the grand tapestry of cancer care, the ketogenic diet emerges as a promising thread. But it’s crucial to weave this thread with care, ensuring that it complements and enhances the broader treatment landscape rather than complicating it.

Don’t keep your thoughts to yourself—join the conversation! Share your experiences, questions, and insights in the comments below. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by prostate issues. Let’s empower each other and create a supportive community! Comment now!


In the vast expanse of cancer research and treatment methodologies, nutrition and diet have often played a pivotal, albeit sometimes overlooked, role. With its counterintuitive emphasis on fats, the ketogenic diet breaks traditional paradigms and invites us to consider new avenues in our battle against cancer. By potentially depriving cancer cells of their preferred energy source and fostering an environment where our body’s cells can survive and thrive, keto emerges as a compelling contender in the arsenal against tumors.

However, like any scientific endeavor, it’s crucial to tread with enthusiasm and caution. Our understanding of keto’s role in cancer control is still unfolding, and the journey ahead promises more revelations, complexities, and, hopefully, solutions.

But for now, as we stand at this intriguing crossroads of fats, ketones, and cancer cells, the future seems promising. As research continues to evolve, so too will our strategies, always with the ultimate goal in sight: a world where cancer’s shadow is significantly diminished.

We invite you, dear readers, to remain engaged, informed, and hopeful. As you navigate your health journeys or the journeys of those you love, may you find the right balance of knowledge, intuition, and professional guidance. And if the ketogenic diet or any other nutritional approach has touched your life in the context of cancer, do share. Your stories fuel not just inspiration but the relentless pursuit of knowledge.


  • Paoli, A., Rubini, A., Volek, J.S., Grimaldi, K.A. (2013). Beyond weight loss: a review of the therapeutic uses of very-low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diets. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 67(8), 789-796.
  • Krikorian, R., Shidler, M.D., Dangelo, K., Couch, S.C., Benoit, S.C., Clegg, D.J. (2012). Dietary ketosis enhances memory in mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiology of Aging, 33(2), 425.e19-27.
  • Westman, E.C., Yancy, W.S., Mavropoulos, J.C., Marquart, M., McDuffie, J.R. (2008). The effect of a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet versus a low-glycemic index diet on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nutrition & Metabolism, 5, 36.
  • Urbain, P., Strom, L., Morawski, L., Wehrle, A., Deibert, P., Bertz, H. (2017). Impact of a 6-week non-energy-restricted ketogenic diet on physical fitness, body composition, and biochemical parameters in healthy adults. Nutrition & Metabolism, 14, 17.
  • Kosinski, C., Jornayvaz, F.R. (2017). Effects of Ketogenic Diets on Cardiovascular Risk Factors: Evidence from Animal and Human Studies. Nutrients, 9(5), 517.
  • Klement, R.J., Champ, C.E. (2014). Calories, carbohydrates, and cancer therapy with radiation: exploiting the five R’s through dietary manipulation. Cancer and Metastasis Reviews, 33(1), 217-229.
  • Warburg, O. (1956). On the origin of cancer cells. Science, 123(3191), 309-314.
  • Poff, A.M., Ari, C., Seyfried, T.N., D’Agostino, D.P. (2013). The ketogenic diet and hyperbaric oxygen therapy prolong survival in mice with systemic metastatic cancer. PloS One, 8(6), e65522.
  • Weber, D.D., Aminzadeh-Gohari, S., Kofler, B. (2020). The Ketogenic Diet and Cancer: Metabolic Interactions and Therapeutic Potentials. Journal of Metabolic Oncology.
  • Martinez-Outschoorn, U.E., Peiris-Pagés, M., Pestell, R.G., Sotgia, F., Lisanti, M.P. (2017). Cancer metabolism: A therapeutic perspective. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology.
  • Seyfried, T.N., Flores, R., Poff, A.M., D’Agostino, D.P. (2014). Cancer as a metabolic disease: implications for novel therapeutics. Carcinogenesis.
  • Smith, L. (2019). Effects of the Keto Flu: Symptomatology and Remedies. Journal of Nutritional Science.
  • Allen, J., Jansen, J. (2018). Nutrient deficiencies in the ketogenic diet: An overview and solutions. Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.

8 thoughts on “Starving Cancer with Fats? The Science Behind Keto’s Role in Tumor Control”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing all this informative research on your site. I have never even thought about keto’s relation to cancer until I stumbled upon here. You did a great job of making the science clear and understandable.

    I really appreciate you taking the time to compile everything. Cancer has affected my family as well, so this topic is close to my heart. I have a question if you don’t mind.

    For someone who completed cancer treatment and is now in remission, how could doing the keto diet long-term help prevent the cancer from coming back?

    Thanks for all you do,


    1. Hi Jack,

      First and foremost, thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to delve into the topic. I’m genuinely touched that the information resonated with you, especially given your connection with cancer.

      To address your question about the ketogenic diet’s role in preventing cancer recurrence post-treatment, It has been studied for its potential benefits in various health conditions, including cancer. The diet primarily aims to reduce glucose availability, which many cancer cells rely on for energy. However, as emphasized in the article, prostate cancer cells have a unique metabolic profile, drawing energy not just from glucose but also from lipids. This dual metabolic strategy adds a layer of complexity to our understanding.

      Recent research has shown that the ketogenic diet can have anti-inflammatory effects, improve insulin sensitivity, and potentially influence hormone levels, which could play a role in cancer prevention and overall health. However, it’s essential to note that while there are promising findings, the long-term effects of the ketogenic diet, especially concerning prostate cancer progression and recurrence, remain an area of active research.

      For someone in remission, it’s crucial to approach any dietary change cautiously and consult healthcare professionals. They can provide personalized guidance based on individual circumstances and the latest research findings.

      Once again, thank you for your thoughtful comment and question. I’m here to support and provide information to those affected by prostate issues, and I truly appreciate your engagement. Wishing you and your family strength, health, and wellness.

      Warm regards,


  2. Wow this is very interesting! I didn’t know that keto diet could starve cancerous cells thanks to its healthy fats! Actually you often hear the contrary. I’ve seen many people having cancer relying on smoothies and other green juices to fight cancer. Though they are very nutritious, I saw that many people who had only faith in these alternative therapies died. I’ll show this to my mother who thinks that her vegan diet will save her from cancer!

    1. Hi Angelce,
      Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment! It’s true that the ketogenic diet has shown promising results in some studies for its possibility to affect cancer cells due to its high healthy fat and low carbs. However, we need to remember that while diet plays a substantial role in overall health, it’s not a standalone solution for cancer prevention or treatment. Every individual is different, and what works for one may not work for another.
      Regarding your mother’s vegan diet, it’s lovely that she’s mindful of her nutritional intake. A well-balanced, nutrient-rich diet can contribute to overall well-being and disease prevention.
      Please share any more thoughts or questions you might have on this topic!
      Best wishes,

  3. Interesting article. Certainly throws up some new thoughts on a keto lifestyle. I have long believed in the benefits of keto for weight management and subsequent improvements in the treatment of diabetes, heart disease etc etc but certainly had no idea about cancer prevention. I appreciate research is limited at this stage but do you have any information on which cancer types are having the best response to ketogenic diets. Man vs female etc etc. Also are there any pharmaceutical companies working on developing this research into medications? 

    1. Hi Mel,
      Thank you for your thoughtful comment. The ketogenic diet’s potential in cancer prevention and treatment is an area of growing interest. The science behind it primarily targets the Warburg effect, where cancer cells predominantly utilize glycolysis over oxidative phosphorylation. By reducing glucose availability through a ketogenic diet, the idea is to starve the cancer cells of their primary energy source.
      To address your questions:
      The ketogenic diet has shown potential anti-tumor effects in various preclinical studies. For instance, evidence supports its efficacy against glioblastoma, prostate, colon, pancreatic, and lung cancer. However, the response can vary based on the type of cancer and its genetic makeup.
      While the article doesn’t specifically mention pharmaceutical companies, it does emphasize the need for more randomized controlled clinical trials to validate the findings. Most human data on ketogenic diets and cancer are based on single case reports or preliminary clinical studies with small cohorts.
      It’s essential to note that while the ketogenic diet shows promise, its efficacy as an adjuvant therapy may depend on the specific type of cancer and its genetic alterations. More rigorous clinical trials are needed to provide clear recommendations.
      Thank you for your interest and highlighting the importance of ongoing research in this area.
      Warm regards,

  4. This method of management of cancer is something worthwhile, perhaps.

    Are there ongoing studies on this?  If found really helpful for cancer patients, then offering a ketogenic diet to these patients might bring fewer side effects than chemotherapeutic agents.

    Thank you for this comprehensive article.

    The future of this ketogenic diet’s role in cancer control is something to wait for. 


  5. Hi Marita,
    Thank you for your thoughtful comment. You’re right; the ketogenic diet’s potential in cancer management is indeed an exciting area of research.
    Ongoing studies are exploring the role of the ketogenic diet in cancer control. While preliminary findings are promising, it’s vital to remember that individual responses can vary. The idea of using a ketogenic diet as an adjunct to traditional treatments, potentially reducing side effects, is indeed appealing.
    I’m glad you found the article comprehensive. We’ll continue to monitor and share updates on this topic. The future of the ketogenic diet in cancer control is indeed something we’re eagerly awaiting.
    Stay informed, and take care!
    Warm regards,


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