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Prostate Cancer: A Confluence of Genes, Lifestyle, and Age

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Last Updated on July 7, 2024 by Max


In the labyrinth of health, few topics carry the gravitas of cancer, especially when it presents in one of the most private areas of the male body—the prostate. Prostate cancer sits at the second-highest spot in the grim leaderboard of cancer prevalence among men, claiming more than a quarter of a million lives annually. With genetics, lifestyle, age, and geography playing significant roles in its development, it is a complex issue warranting thorough understanding. This blog post delves into the mechanisms behind prostate cancer development, explores recent scientific discoveries, and highlights the known risk factors. Our journey through the intricacies of this disease will provide you with a deeper understanding of prostate cancer and the tools to make informed decisions about your health. So buckle up because we are about to embark on a captivating expedition into prostate cancer.

The Role of Genetics in Prostate Cancer Development

Genetic alterations are central to the genesis of prostate cancer, particularly in genes responsible for regulating cell growth and DNA repair. Two such genes are BRCA1 and BRCA2, which exist in both men and women. Their primary function involves repairing any errors or mutations within the DNA structure. When these genes malfunction due to their structural modifications, cells become akin to a workshop teeming with malfunctioning machinery and devoid of a mechanic, leading to genomic instability and the accumulation of genetic errors (Elena et al., 2012).

These genes passed down from our parents could be normal or mutated. Mutations in both BRCA1 and BRCA2 are associated with the most aggressive forms of prostate cancer, predominantly affecting individuals under 55. Men with BRCA1 mutations have a 3.8-fold increased risk of prostate cancer, escalating to 8.6-fold for those with BRCA2 mutations.

Men with a BRCA mutation are also at risk for other cancers, including breast, pancreatic, and melanoma. Women with BRCA mutations are likewise at risk for breast and ovarian cancers. As such, individuals with a familial history of these cancers are strongly advised to undergo screening for the presence of mutated BRCA1/2 genes to assess their cancer risk.

Recent studies have identified 16 other DNA repair genes implicated in cell aberration accumulation. Additionally, some modifications in genes regulating cell growth or mutations boosting cell responsiveness to testosterone are suspected of promoting prostate cancer development, although concrete scientific evidence is still lacking.

Key Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer 

While the precise causes of prostate cancer remain elusive, significant strides have been made in identifying risk factors. These risk factors, capable of affecting gene operation machinery to various degrees, can increase the likelihood of disease development without necessarily causing prostate cancer.

Primary risk factors for prostate cancer include familial history, age, and geographical/ethnic background. Countries such as North America, Europe, and Australia exhibit the highest rates of prostate cancer, while South-Central Asia reports the lowest incidence. African Americans are more susceptible to prostate cancer than white Americans or Latinos. Intriguingly, Asian men migrating to the U.S. or Western Europe show a similar likelihood of developing the disease as Western men.

Role of Lifestyle and Dietary Factors 

There is a robust association between prostate cancer and genetic components, but external factors like lifestyle and diet cannot be overlooked. Certain food items, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, sexually transmitted diseases, and prostatitis are all potential risk factors due to their mutagenic potential for prostate cells.

Despite the age-old belief that red meat and rising testosterone levels trigger prostate malignancy, recent studies beg to differ. For instance, Harvard and Montreal research groups found a strong connection between ejaculation frequency and prostate cancer risk reduction, indirectly implying a protective role of testosterone (Elena et al., 2012).

Red meat, however, can contribute to prostate cancer, not due to the meat itself, but because of the chemicals/pesticides and added estrogens consumed. Furthermore, the way we cook and process it and our body’s ability to digest and eliminate it all come into play. A notable example is Chlordecone, a widely used insecticide that increases the risk of prostate cancer (Multigner L et al.,2010).

The Impact of Age on Prostate Cancer 

Age remains a fundamental risk factor for prostate cancer. While the disease is rare in men below 50, the incidence increases sharply with age. Approximately one in 15 men in their 60s will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. This trend is often attributed to the accumulation of harmful mutations in the genome over time, with 50 marking a significant turning point in a man’s life. A rapid decline in testosterone levels, prostate enlargement, increased vulnerability of the urogenital system, and a drastic increase in prostate cancer risk typically characterize this age.

The Effect of Globalization and Migration

Geographical location and ethnicity also play a role in the development of prostate cancer. When men from Asian countries emigrate to regions such as the United States or Western Europe, their risk of developing prostate cancer matches that of Western men. However, attributing these differences solely to dietary changes is an oversimplification. Other factors, such as centuries-old traditions in farming, food, and lifestyle, shape a nation’s gene pool and influence disease risk.

Familial Ties and Prostate Cancer

Efforts to identify genes responsible for prostate cancer have yet to yield definitive results, but strong evidence points to a familial pattern. Men with a first-degree relative diagnosed with the disease have a risk of approximately twice that of the general population, which quadruples if the diagnosis occurs before age 60. This pattern suggests that inherited factors may more likely influence early-onset prostate cancer.

Don’t keep your thoughts to yourself—join the conversation! Share your experiences, questions, and insights in the comments below. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by prostate issues. Let’s empower each other and create a supportive community! Comment now!


As we navigate the complex terrain of prostate cancer, it becomes increasingly apparent that this disease is rooted in an intricate interplay of genetics, environment, and lifestyle. No single factor can solely account for its development; instead, it is the accumulation of myriad variables over time. Notably, the role of genetic mutations, particularly in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, is undeniable, while lifestyle factors such as diet and chemical exposure can further exacerbate the risk.

In this era of technological advancements and increased access to information, staying abreast of the latest research findings is vital. Equally important is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and cultivating awareness of potential risk factors. Even the most nutritious animal or plant-based food can pose a significant health risk if contaminated with harmful substances such as pesticides and hormones. As we strive to protect our health and the health of our loved ones, let us make informed choices and embrace the mantra of ‘prevention is better than cure.’


  • Elena Castro and Rosalind Eeles. The role of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in prostate cancer. Asian J Androl. 2012 May; 14(3): 409–414.
  • Multigner L, Ndong JR, Giusti A, Romana M, Delacroix-Maillard H, Cordier S, Jegou B, Thome JP, Blanchet P. Chlorodecone exposure and risk of prostate cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2010;28:3457–3462.

6 thoughts on “Prostate Cancer: A Confluence of Genes, Lifestyle, and Age”

  1. An interesting look at prostate cancer. So often some group does some research about a particular food. Often they have a bias before they begin, the media runs with it and muddies the whole topic, with antidotes, other “experts”, and at the end of it all, you are really no wiser than you were before.

    1. I thank YOU, Michael, for honoring me with your time by reading my post and commenting – thank you!
      I totally concur your phrase “they have a bias before they begin” or, as one my friend said “opinion” based science. Nowadays pharmaceutical, chemical, and food industries make a difference in science, sponsoring and managing researches how it works for them.
      As to my position, I believe that any natural food is beneficial for our health unless it is not loaded with preservatives, pesticides, hormones and other synthetic chemicals.

      Wishing you the best health


  2. Thanks for the research and knowledge you have shared here.
    I have been in the meat industry for the past 30 years and have seen the different types of meats available. Now I try to buy natural or organic meat whenever possible.

    Live the Life you Love

    1. Thank you, Rolland, for the comment. Unfortunately, labels on the meat packages say nothing about what kind and how much pesticides and hormones they contain. Not everybody knows what really they buy together with meat. The post is just a small voice to raise awareness of men caring about their health.

      Wishing you the best health


  3. This is the second post I have read on this site and I am grateful to have expanded knowledge. I have to say, it is disheartening to me that foods are even allowed to be sold for consumption that have been in contact with hormones and pesticides. It is as though the practice of this demonstrates complete lack of respect and integrity for the magnificence that is the human body and a very disempowering practice for the wealth of humanity’s wellbeing. I appreciate that you are empowering people through knowledge and encourage making conscious choices as to what the body is consuming.
    Reading the information about the suggested protective mechanism that testosterone yields in decreasing the percentage of developing prostate cancer is aligned with my beliefs that we are dynamic creatures, us humans and the act of sexual exchange and expression are intrinsic to our experience. The act of ejaculating is one of the most esteemed pleasures of the human body and it represents power in that it yields the gift of life and can propagate our species. It comes as no surprise that a man’s health proves to yield more optimal outcomes with the healthy investment of nurturing and exercising this aspect of our overall health.

    Thank you for the informative knowledge!


    1. Thank you, Bex, for stopping by and commenting. I’m always pleased to meet people sharing my views on the human’s body. It is really time to switch from neglecting our body and its’ needs to loving it and nourishing it the best food we have. It’s the only divine precious we have. And only then our body will delight us with health, the fullness of life and happiness.

      Have a great health


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